

Roberto Adami

Graduated in Building Engeneering - Architecture (2011, Politecnico di Milano), he works in the field of civil and environmental engineering. He has worked with Co.O.Pe.Ra.Te. company and the Politecnico di Milano for planning and urban design works. As a professional he has obtained awards participating in several design competitions in the field of urban design. He collaborates in didactic activities with the Politecnico di Milano regarding the same topics on which he works.


Dominic Baldemor

Graduated in Architecture at the University of S.Thomas in Manila, he holds a Master's degree in Architecture from Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis project of Typhoon Resilient School in the Philippines. He is a licensed architect in the Philippines, with professional work experience in Shanghai, Doha and Dubai. He is involved in constant research regarding disaster resilience in tropical countries, and advocates hydrological considerations for architectural design in coastal towns.


Iolanda Bianchi


Luca Bisogni

Graduated in Biology, he works as freelancer and he is founder of N.Q.A. (New Environmental Quality). He works in the fields of Environmental Impact Studies, analyses and assessment of ecosystems and environmental quality, environmental improvement, herbal purification and Strategic Environmental Assessment. He is teacher of a number of professional training courses and lecturer of conferences and technical seminars. He is author of about fifty publications.


Laura Boi

Licensed architect, with a post-graduate training in Cesi, since 2008 she is member and consultant of the Co.O.Pe.Ra.Te. company for which she carries out research on environmental and landscape issues, in relation to spatial planning, monitoring and evaluation tools. She earned scholarships at Éupolis Lombardia, thanks to which she has conducted research in the fields of regional spatial planning and territorial observatories (landscape and territorial programming) of Regione Lombardia.


Lorenzo Bono

Graduated in Economics with a Master's Degree in Integrated Environmental Management at the IUSS of Pavia. Since 2000 he collaborates with Ambiente Italia, where he works on integrated action plans for urban sustainability, indicators and environmental budgets, participatory processes. He took part in European projects funded by the Environment DG and the Research DG on the development of tools for managing and monitoring the sustainability of urban areas.


Marta Brocca


Grazia Brunetta

Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Strategic Environmental Assessment at the Interuniversity Department of the Urban and Regional Studies and Planning of Politecnico di Torino. She is author and scientific coordinator of a wide range of scientific researches regarding regional and environmental planning, evaluation methodologies and environmental assessment, institutional innovation in spatial planning. The results of her researches have been collected in national and international publications.


Aurora Cavallo

PhD in Agricultural Policy, she is a Research Fellow at Università del Molise. Her research interests include issues related to the management of the landscape transformations and to the role of agricultural activities in metropolitan areas. Since 2008 she collaborates with the Consorzio Universitario per la Ricerca Socioeconomica e sull’Ambiente (CURSA) and has been Adjunct Professor of Landscape Architecture from 2007 to 2012 at Università La Sapienza di Roma.


Lorenzo Chelleri

PhD at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, member of the BIARI community (Brown University) and founder of the international academic network URB-Net (Urban Resilience Young Researchers Network), he is interested in the development of a multidisciplinary framework to translate the metaphor of urban resilience consistently with the practice of planning and management of cities and regions.


Angela Colucci

Architect and PhD in Planning (Politecnico di Milano). She held research grants at Politecnico di Milano for several years on the issues of environmental planning policies, landscape and citizen towards sustainability. She is Adjunct Professor at Politecnico di Milano for courses in Urbanism, Urban Design and Urban Design Studio. She is and was involved in numerous research projects. As senior partner of the Co.O.Pe.Ra.Te. company she worked on planning instruments, strategic environmental assessment and consulting activities.


Chiara Cortinovis

Engineer, master graduated in the field of Building Engineering and Architecture (2011, Politecnico di Milano), works as a freelancer on the issues of urban design and planning. She collaborates with Co.O.Pe.Ra.Te. company for consultancies and support to local authorities in the preparation of planning instruments and with DAStU of PoliMI in didactic works and researches. Her main interests concern sustainability and resilience of urban areas and integrated approaches to the use of resources, with particular attention to the energy transition.


Mara Cossu


Paolo Cottino

Planner, PhD in Planning and Territorial Public Policies at IUAV, he carries out his research activity and scientific production in the field of urban policy innovation at Politecnico di Milano, where he is Adjunct Professor since 2006 at the School of Architecture. He is co-founder and director of KCity, a company specialized in designing the contents of urban regeneration interventions, ensuring in particular the strategic, functional and operational feasibility, the link with the planning objectives and the assessment of urban planning feasibility and management.


Serena D'Ambrogi


Valentina Dessì


Catherine Dezio

Graduated in Sustainable Architecture (Politecnico di Milano), licensed architect and graduated "Energy Expert" from Casa Clima Agency of Bolzano, she has collaborated with several design firms in Verona and Milan. Currently she is a PhD student at the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in "Planning and Management of the Environment and Landscape" at Università La Sapienza di Roma and holds a scholarship at CURSA- Consorzio Universitario per la Ricerca Socioeconomica e per l’Ambiente, where she is carrying out research activities.


Katia Fabbricatti

Architect, PhD in Building and Environmental Recovery, is Adjunct Professor of Technology of Building Recovery at DiARC of Naples. Since 2001, she held research grants at DiARC, on the issues of Reuse and Enhancement of the built heritage. In 2011, she was Visiting fellowship at ANU in Canberra for a research on Resilience of urban spaces. In 2014, she held research grant at DICEA of Naples for a study on Smart Cities. She is co-founder of RIHABITAT, for the recovery and development of the inland towns.


Giuseppe Forino


Alessandro Frigerio

Architect, he has a double degree at Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino and a Master Diploma at Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP). He is part of the Laboratory of Measures and Scales of the Contemporary City (MSLab) within DAStU at Politecnico di Milano conducting teaching and research activities in the field of sustainable urban development. Since 2013 he also collaborates with the Laboratory of International Cooperation (DAStU) and he is a PhD candidate in Architectural, Urban and Interior Design. In 2013 he co-founded UP! Design and Research Lab.


Alessandra Gelmini


Luisa Geronimi


Gioia Gibelli

Graduated at Politecnico di Milano, she works in the fields of landscape analyses, assessment, planning and design, with a focus on Landscape Ecology and on the issues related to the development of transition territories and to the redevelopment of degraded areas. She worked with Università di Genova for the Postgraduate School in Landscape Architecture and with Università di Urbino as teacher of Territorial planning and landscape evolution monitoring. She is Vice-President of SIEP-IALE and member of the directory board of CATAP.


Barbara Lucini

PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano). She is project coordinator of IDRA (Itstime Disaster Resilience Agency) and IDRA for women. Her research interests are focused on disaster resilience, crisis and disaster management, civil protection and civil defence systems, voluntary civil protection, risk perception and crisis communication. She is also interested in environmental and urban sociology, visual studies, disaster anthropology and methodology of social research.


Filippo Magni

Graduated in Environmental Planning and Policy at the IUAV of Venice. Master in Estudios Territorials i de la poblaciò presso l’Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Now Research Fellow at the Department of Planning and Design in Complex Environments and attending the second year of PhD in Planning and Public Policy at IUAV. His research is focused on the link between urban form, energy consumption and policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change.


Marcello Magoni

He has been working for 30 years in the fields of urban-territorial and landscape-environmental planning and assessment as teacher, researcher and professional, with an approach oriented to the achievement of sustainability goals. He has been teaching for nearly 20 years at Politecnico di Milano and is member of the Laboratory of International Cooperation (DAStU). He is member of the scientific committee of Valutazione Ambientale (EdicomEdizioni) and is author of some monographs and of about a hundred papers in national, international and online journals.


Sergio Malcevschi


Denis Maragno


Davide Marino

Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Appraisal at the Department of Bioscences and Territory, Università del Molise, he is president of the Consorzio Universitario per la Ricerca Socioeconomica e sull’Ambiente (CURSA). Didactic Director of the 2nd Level Master in Governance of Protected Areas (UniMOL). Member of the Academic Board of the PhD program in Management and Conservation Issues in Changing Landscapes (UniMOL) and in Planning and Management of the Environment and Landscape of Università la Sapienza di Roma.


Guido Minucci


Masoumeh Mirsafa

An architect by profession, she holds a master's degree in Urban Design and Planning from Azad University in Iran and another master’s in Sustainable Urban Design from Lund University. At Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Lund University (CMES), she worked as a project assistant in a project on "Women in Public Spaces in Iran". Currently, she is a PhD candidate at Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani of Politecnico di Milano and she is working on the concept of resilience with focus on poor urban areas.


Eugenio Morello


Piero Pelizzaro

He is Acclimatise Associate Italy and responsible for the International Cooperation Unit and member of the Working Group Local Authorities for Kyoto at Kyoto Club No Profit, since April 2010. Expert on Adaptation Policy to Climate Change and further specialization in Energy Scenario and Climate Change Impact Models  through his past working experience at Stockholm Environment Institute – Tallinn Office. At the moment he is leading the BlueAP project, LIFE + RECOIL project and MED ZeroCO2 project.


Giulia Pesaro

Graduated in Political Economics with a specialization in Industrial and Labour Economics, she obtained a PhD in Planning and Territorial Public Policies. Lecturer at several universities, she is a founding member of the Co.O.Pe.Ra.Te. company. She is currently engaged in research and consulting activities on the issues of sustainable development (policies and tools), environmental policies, economic assessment, environmental and social development of the territory and the built environment.


Silivia Pezzoli

Graduated in Regional, Urban and Environmental Planning (Politecnico di Milano), she obtained a Master's Degree in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (IUAV). She has carried out professional, research and didactic activities on the issues of urban and regional planning and environmental and landscape assessment. Currently, as part of a CNR-IEIIT research grant, she is working with Consorzio Poliedra in the activities of technical assistance to the regional Environmental Authority and strategic environmental assessment.


Claudia Ponti


Carlo Rega


Rachele Radaelli

Architect, she is graduated from the Postgraduate School of Spatial and Environmental Planning (PoliMI) and earned a Master's Degree in Construction of Complex Territorial Systems (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano). She works at Politecnico di Milano and is member of the Laboratory of International Cooperation (DAStU). She deals with strategic environmental assessment and urban and territorial planning according to integrated approaches toward more sustainable conditions. She collaborates in teaching and research activities on the same topics.


Davide Riva

Graduated in Environmental Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, he worked on design issues related to the topics of architecture, landscape and technology. He deepened these issues theorically and pratically, also participating to a workshop on crude masonry held in the eco-village of Granara (PR). He participated to design competition on the themes of urban renovation. He is now Master graduating student in Architecture, Technological and Environmental Design. He is also involved in the research on the european Transition Towns at DAStU.


Massimo Rossati


Simona Barbara Salteri

Architect, graduated from the Politecnico di Milano where she earned a Master’s Degree on renewable energies, decentralization and energy efficiency. She has experience in construction field with building renovations, energy analysis and retraining. She has also experience in the energy/environmental works with planning, assessment, eco-friendly design, and the implementation of participatory processes and public awareness activities.


Francesca Santaniello

Graduated in architecture, PhD in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, she has worked for ten years in research (with Politecnico di Milano and Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale) and consultancy in the field of policies for the social housing, with attention to the neighborhood dimension. Currently she owns and works for KCity, an agency that provides integrated consulting on urban regeneration projects and policies. She applies the approach of "comprehensive community development" for urban development projects.


Massimo Tadi

He is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department. His research and design works emphasize the relationship between urban morphology and energy consumption. He is director of the IMMdesignLab, an international multidisciplinary design laboratory, that apply an innovative methodology to transform existing urban contexts seen as Complex Adaptive Systems into more sustainable and energy efficient forms. He is also member of the advisory board of Qutubone (India) and of the Siberian Urban Laboratory (Russia).


Riccardo Vezzani


Angioletta Voghera

Architect, PhD in Territorial Planning and Local Development, Assistant Professor in Urban and Regional Planning at DIST of Politecnico di Torino. Her main research fields deal with regional and landscape planning, environmental assessment and management, and urban design with reference to the international and European context and to sustainability. In these fields she is author of numerous articles and researches that have been published both nationally and internationally.


Mario Zambrini

Graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the Università degli Studi di Milano, he has carried out consultant and research activities on environmental and territorial themes since 1985. He is founder and sole administrator of Ambiente Italia, expert in procedures of environmental assessment of plans, programs and projects, expert in the field of environmental acustic. He was president of AAA. He is professor in university and master courses on environmental analyses and assessment themes and he is author of numerous publications on the same topics.


Davide Zucchetti